Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..." Matthew 19:14
At Little Cypress Baptist Church we believe the preschool ministry is a very important part of the church. Bible learning activities are provided at LCBC to meet the spiritual growth of preschoolers while also meeting their physical, mental, emotional and social growth. Weekly activities for preschoolers, ages birth through kindergarten includes Sunday School, Extended Teaching Care during Sunday morning worship, Preschool Choir and Mission Friends. During the summer a week of Vacation Bible School is provided for preschoolers ages four through Kindergarten. Special seasonal activities are also planned throughout the year. Our faithful LCBC staff welcomes preschoolers and takes seriously the responsibility of caring for them.
Preschool Weekly Schedule
9:15am Sunday School
10:30am Extended Session
10:30am Extended Session
6:00pm Preschool Choir
6:30pm Mission Friends
6:30pm Mission Friends